Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wrap up for this transforming venture on Sand Mountain

Jay, Cathie, and Bob woke up to a quiet church.  Thoughts of all we had shared this week settled in.  After breakfast, we cleared out the pantry of VIM food leaving some condiments that the church could use.   We headed for the Henegar Baptist church to offer the unopened food and a monetary gift. 
We met with Maxine who was in charge of feeding the volunteers and their food pantry.  She showed us the food pantry and introduced her staff and customer.  She described how God helped them feed so many people for such a long period of time.  People just keep bringing food by.  God does provide.  We also think it might have something to do with how gracious and well organized Maxine is.  Our circle of friends is broadening.
On the way to Henegar, we found that the Henegar Nursery was opened.  We stopped and purchased a Knockout rose bush and a gift certificate for Jeremy and family.  Jeremy was at his home with Uncle Bobby.  They were getting started on the finishing vinyl work.  We explained that we thought the rose bush would winter well because there were lots of them around Sand Mountain and we had them at home in the Northeast also.  In addition, we explained that the nursery gift certifcate could be used in the spring.  We also told him that we had the money available because Gary's TV and Appliance store gave us such a good price on the washer and dryer.  We wished them well and hoped that he was able to move home soon.
Our last stop was the Sand Mountain UMC Parish Center.  Tanya Rains was out visiting one of the local families but her Administrative Assistant, Kristi, helped us.  She gave us a tour of the thrift store, food pantry,  and project area.  There was a group of UMW volunteers from another Asbury UMC in Alabama.  Kristi explained that there was plenty of volunteer work to do at the USMP Center.  The center reaches out to the community of people in need and helps to support 8 small local United Methodist Churches.  We left a donation with Kristi and look forward to tasting the blueberry green tomato jam or relish.
Now we must move on and cherish what we have learned and the people we have met.
We hope you have gained from our journey of faith with UMC Upper New York Volunteers in Mission.  Please share this blog with others as a way of  knowing how God's love is alive and well in the world.  The blog will continue as we get back home and continue our work for flood relief in Middleburg, NY. 

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