"It really felt good helping others and knowing that I was responding to God's call to 'love your neighbor".
"I could not believe how high the water was!"
Jackie recieved a lot of love from her new friends
Four of our team members went to another site to install sheetrock. They joined the homeowner and his son who were already at work. The home owner had already used up all of his vacation time to clean up after the flood.
Middleburgh UMC was our host for the day. As we arrived, the congregation was leaving and thanking us for coming. We returned to the church to eat our lunches. Thanks to Gladys Faulkner we had chocolate chip cookies for dessert.
It was a really good day. Everyone was tired but satisfied with the work they had accomplished. It was good to be able to connect with our neighbors in need. We listened to their stories. It is so difficult to comprehend the devastation. There is so much more to do!!!!! Please consider joining one or more of these teams. Contact Jay Dunkleberger at jdunkleb@nycap.rr.com or 518-371-7071.
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